Ayya Tathaaloka

Ayya Tathaaloka Bhikkhuni is an American-born member of the Buddhist Women's Monastic Sangha with a background in Zen and Theravadan Buddhism. Venerable Sister Tathaaloka began monastic life sixteen years ago, and was granted Higher Ordination by an ecumenical gathering of the Bhikkhu & Bhikkhuni Sanghas in Southern California in early 1997. With the encouragement of her long-term mentor, Ajahn Maha Prasert, and the expressed wish of many Sangha friends, both lay and monastic, she has recently been involved in opening Dhammadharini Vihara, the first Theravadan Buddhist women's monastic retreat residence in Northern California, where she currently serves as Abbess.

Ayya Tathaaloka Bhikkhuni is an American-born member of the Buddhist Women's Monastic Sangha with a background in Zen and Theravadan Buddhism. Venerable Sister Tathaaloka began monastic life...Read more

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