Yasmina Porter

Yasmina Porter

Yasmina Porter has been practicing mindfulness meditation since 2002 at which time she was certified at Dominican Hospital to teach Mindfulness-based Prenatal and Postpartum Yoga. In 2013, after a decade of practice and annual residential retreats with Bob Stahl, Jon Kabot-Zinn, and Mary Grace Orr, Yasmina was authorized to teach Mindfulness-based stress reduction through UMass Memorial Health Care Center for Mindfulness. She has taught MBSR in the Academy for College Excellence. Yasmina formed a People of Color Sitting Group at Insight Santa Cruz in 2017.

Yasmina Porter has been practicing mindfulness meditation since 2002 at which time she was certified at Dominican Hospital to teach Mindfulness-based Prenatal and Postpartum Yoga. In 2013, after a...Read more

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