Beth Goldring

Beth Goldring

Beth Kanji Goldring began sitting Zen in 1995 and was ordained in 1995. She studies vipassana with Gil Fronsdal. She has also studied tonglen with Alan Wallace, and Reiki with Glynn DeBrocky. A former university humanities teacher and human rights worker, Beth lives in Phnom Penh where she founded Brahmavihara Cambodia, formerly Brahmavihara/Cambodia AIDS Project, in 2000. Brahmavihara provides chaplaincy, social work, and material support to some 500 patients with AIDS, tuberculosis and cancer in various hospitals, hospices and prisons and in their homes Brahmavihara Cambodia has received a number of awards, including the IMC Karuna award in 2009. Further information is available at

Beth Kanji Goldring began sitting Zen in 1995 and was ordained in 1995. She studies vipassana with Gil Fronsdal. She has also studied tonglen with Alan Wallace, and Reiki with Glynn DeBrocky. A...Read more

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