Bhikkhu Sanathavihari

Bhikkhu Sanathavihari

Sanathavihari Bhikkhu is a Mexican-American Theravāda monk at the Sarathchandra Buddhist Center in North Hollywood, a Sri Lankan center. He is a student of the late Dr. Bhante Madawela Punnaji, and the founder of Casa De Bhavana – an outreach project to bring the Dhamma to the Spanish-speaking world. He is also the co-author of Buddhism in 10 Steps. Bhante is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Air Force for nine years and was deployed three times. He was ordained as a novice at the age of 30 in 2015 at Sarathchandra Buddhist Center in North Hollywood, California. In 2018, he received his higher ordination at Maharagama Bhikkhu Training Center (Maharagama Dharmayathanaya) in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Bhante has a B.A. in Religion and an M.S. in Counseling Psychology (Marriage Family Therapy). Bhante is currently enrolled in the Buddhist Chaplaincy program at Upaya Zen Center.

Sanathavihari Bhikkhu is a Mexican-American Theravāda monk at the Sarathchandra Buddhist Center in North Hollywood, a Sri Lankan center. He is a student of the late Dr. Bhante Madawela Punnaji, and...Read more

Title Speaker Date Length Length/
Sukha as the Way to the End of Dukkha Bhikkhu Sanathavihari 2023.11.11 1:29:43 1:29:43
Sati Center <multiple> 2004.04.24 481:13:08 481:13:08
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