Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Four Noble Truths: Nirodha (1 of 5) Cessation | Gil Fronsdal | 2020.05.18 | 11:43 | 11:43 2020.05.18 |
Four Noble Truths: Nirodha (2 of 5) Freedom from Craving | Gil Fronsdal | 2020.05.19 | 12:36 | 12:36 2020.05.19 |
Four Noble Truths: Nirodha (3 of 5) Arising and Cessation | Gil Fronsdal | 2020.05.20 | 14:47 | 14:47 2020.05.20 |
Four Noble Truths: Nirodha (4 of 5) The End of the World | Gil Fronsdal | 2020.05.21 | 18:13 | 18:13 2020.05.21 |
Four Noble Truths: Nirodha (5 of 5) Three Forms of Cessation | Gil Fronsdal | 2020.05.22 | 14:43 | 14:43 2020.05.22 |
Appears in Series:
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Four Noble Truths | Gil Fronsdal, Andrea Fella | 2006.07.14 | 157:03:16 | 157:03:16 2006.07.14 |
The Four Noble Truths | Gil Fronsdal | 2020.05.04 | 5:45:28 | 5:45:28 2020.05.04 |
7am Sit & Dharmette | <multiple> | 2020.03.16 | 746:39:01 | 746:39:01 2020.03.16 |